Free Music Upload Site Halla Back Goes All Genres
The mega upload music submitting platform Halla Back has just announce the remake of there site and allowing all musicians in all genres the ability to upload their music.
The once Hip Hop only genre site has just re-launched there brand new platform similar to Soundcloud which allows anyone from all over the world to upload their tracks and albums effortly with more upload space provided by for their users then what their competition offers.
The best part of the new makeover is the social networking built into the site giving users a way to collab, share, like, message each other, makes friends and more. Before the new platform users can only submit their music and comment on eachothers music posts.
Halla back offering all genres of music to be uploaded too their platform will open a lot of doors for them as literally millions of new artists from all over can now upload music here, Halla back announces that they will rival Soundcloud by offering artists more for free.
Checkout the new platform here